If you are attempting to register your product in WERCSmart but cannot find a certain ingredient in the database, there are several options available to resolve this issue.

To find what ingredients are available in WERCSmart, you can search for the ingredient in the database.


Click on one of the links below to navigate to that location within the article.

Please use the following steps to search for ingredients in the WERCSmart database: 

  • Within your product registration, please select the "Product Characteristics" tab. 

  • Select the "Ingredients" section to open and edit the ingredients present in your product's formulation. 

  • You may now select the box that says "Start typing a component name to search" on the left side of the page.

  • Selecting this box will produce a dropdown where you can type in your ingredient information.

  • You can search for your ingredient by typing in either the name of the ingredient, or the numerical identifier of your ingredient. 

    • The numerical identifier may be presented as a number with either CAS, NA or RR listed before the number. 

    • If the number is listed with "WPS" followed by seven digits, then the ingredient is a "Third Party Formulation" that was registered by a Third Party Formulator. This type of ingredient entry will be covered more in depth in Scenario 3 of this article.

  • Once you see your desired ingredient populate on the list, you can select the most accurate ingredient to add this to your formulation. 

  • Please see the screenshot below that shows the ingredient options after typing in "Coconut" as an example: 

If you type in your name and/or numerical identifier of your ingredient, but do not see the ingredient you would like to add, please proceed to the scenarios below that explain your options for adding your ingredient to the database. 

Scenario 1: I have a CAS number on my SDS that does not appear to be available when I search for it in the WERCSmart database. 

Please use the following steps to request to have your CAS number added to the database:

  • If you have the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the requested ingredient, this would be the fastest and most efficient method for getting an ingredient added to the WERCSmart Ingredient library.

    • The Safety Data Sheet must be a raw material SDS for the single ingredient you are requesting to be added to WERCSmart. This would mean that the SDS includes only the CAS number of your ingredient within Section 3. 

    • The Regulatory team is unable to add CAS numbers for ingredients that are considered "Mixtures" (Contain 2 or more ingredients within section 3 of the SDS).

    • If your SDS shows 2 or more ingredients in Section 3, then you would need to add the ingredient as a "Third Party registration" which is explained in Scenario 3.  

  • If you do not have the Raw Material Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the ingredient you need to add, you must provide the following information:

    • Manufacturer of the ingredient; and

    • GHS Classification for the ingredient; and

    • Physical State of the ingredient (if it is a liquid, also provide the flash point); and

    • The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory status of the ingredient

    • If a PMN or EPA Accession number is available for the ingredient, please provide this number as well. This will be used in WERCSmart as the CAS number for the ingredient.

  • Once you have assembled either the Raw Material SDS, or the information requested above, please submit a ticket to Customer Support containing this information to request that the ingredient be added to the database. 

    • In the ticket, be sure to state the name of the ingredient and that you are requesting this ingredient be added to the database.

    • You must also fill out the file titled "CAS or Synonym Ingredient Request Form" that is attached at the bottom of this article and include this completed document in the ticket. 

  • The Customer Support team will then submit this request to the Regulatory team. 

  • The Regulatory team will review this information and provide you with a suitable existing ingredient to select or they will establish the ingredient for selection in the database. 

  • You will be advised by Customer Support of the outcome of this request within 1-2 Business days of submitting the request. 

Scenario 2: I have an ingredient with the same CAS number as an ingredient in the database, however the name and/or the Public Name listed does not match the name on my SDS.

This would be considered in WERCSmart as a "Synonym Request" which is when the Regulatory team adds an ingredient name to the database for a CAS number if that name is not already present in WERCSmart.

Please use the following steps to request to have a synonym added to a CAS number within the database:

  • You will need to first, confirm that the CAS number in WERCSmart is accurate to the name that you are requesting to have added. 

  • Once you have confirmed this, please fill out the required sections of the "CAS or Synonym Ingredient Request Form" file that is attached at the bottom of this article. 

    • The majority of the document is for requesting CAS additions so you need to fill out the sections that pertain to Synonym requests specifically. 

  • Once you have completed the document, please submit a ticket to Customer Support indicating the current ingredient name shown in the database, the CAS number and the name that you would like added as a synonym. 

  • Customer Support will then take this information and submit your request to the Regulatory team for processing. 

  • You should receive a response to your request within 1-2 business days within the ticket. 

Scenario 3: I have an ingredient mixture that is formulated by my company or a Third-Party that I need to have added to the database as an ingredient.

If your ingredient that you need to add to the database contains 2 or more ingredients, you may add this formulation to the database as a "Third Party Registration". 

When your product uses an ingredient from another source (e.g. Formulator) outside your organization, you may need to coordinate with your supplier and request they register their proprietary formulation into WERCSmart, using their own WERCSmart account.  

If your formulator is comfortable with providing you with a full list of ingredients that are present in the formulation, then you may register the Third party registration within your account using the SDS provided by the formulator. 

The company that registers the Third Party Formulation will have the option to restrict the use of the registration so that only the correct parties have access to the formulation.

For additional information regarding this process as well as how to create and register a Third Party Registration, please proceed to this article: How do I create a Third Party Registration?