WERCSmart Data Tier Consent for Retailer Partners

Various Retailers have chemical policy programs instituted through WERCSmart. Compliance with their requirements for your registrations is handled through acknowledgment of the Tier Consent requirements for each Retailer when you have product registrations in scope for the Retail-specific program(s). 

Many retailers will be unable to receive the correct product registration data if your Data Tier Consent options are not applied correctly which may cause large delays in the product registration process. 

Please use the steps below to update your Data Consent Tiers for different retailers:

  • On your home page, select the Retail Partners icon (Handshake icon). 

  • Select your retailer's logo from the table showing the available retail partners. 

  • Navigate to the lower part of the screen under the title that reads "Data Consent Tiers".

  • Toggle each slider to show "On" in a green color. 

    • Each tier provides a small explanation of what data the retailer is requesting to use when you accept that tier.

    • For more insight on what data will be accessible for each Data Consent Tier, please proceed to this article: What are permission-based data tiers?

  • Select the green "Save" button to save the data tiers that you have accepted for this retailer.

  • You will need to complete these steps for each of your retailers to ensure that all of your Data Tier Consent options are up to date and apply to the correct retailers.  

Special Note: 

  • When saving the Data Tier Consent update for each Retailer, an email will be sent to all Administrators of the account and the Retailer. You can update your tiers at any time and each time you select "Save", the Administrators and the Retailer will be emailed automatically. 

  • Turning the Data Tier Consent on is your company's decision. If not turned on, it may impact business, as the data entered in WERCSmart will not be sent. 

  • When a retailer updates their Data Tier Consent regulations, you may see a pop-up when you sign into your WERCSmart account that asks you to update your Data Consent tiers, please use the steps above to update your tiers and select "Save" to clear the error message. 

  • For suppliers that have purchased our Agency services, the agent is not able to grant these permissions even if consent is provided by an administrator for the account. Only a listed administrator for the WERCSmart account can grant these and the agent for your account will reach out to you to log in and grant these if they are encountered.

Here is a full walkthrough updating your Data Tier Consent: 

  • Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step. 

  • You may select the "Scroll" option to read through the attachment vertically. 

  • Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.