WERCSmart Pesticide Products 

A Pesticide is defined by Retailers to include any item of merchandise that is advertised or claims to kill, repel, or prevent the growth of any living organism (e.g., anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal).

Even if the product is not a chemical, your product may be considered a pesticide if it makes any claims of protection from pathogens or microorganisms that extend beyond the item itself. Examples of such claims include but are not limited to: antibacterial, bactericidal, germicidal, germ-resistant, bacteria-resistant, kills pathogenic bacteria.

Products registrations that contain pesticides are required to have: 

  • A front and back product label

  • Full formulation of your product 

  • The data on your Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must match the data entered in WERCSmart. 

  • All pesticide expiration dates must be kept up to date within your product registration.

Products that are registered with pesticides must have the pesticide expiration dates entered in WERCSmart - renewed annually: 

  • Most pesticide expiration dates need to be renewed annually, which must be reflected in WERCSmart to send accurate and up to date data to retailers

  • Your pesticide containing product will be placed in an auto-recertification if you make any updates within 90 days of your product's expiration date. You will see a pop-up message generated when you attempt to edit your product that indicates that your product needs to go into auto-recertification. 

  • If your pesticide expiration dates have expired, your product will be suspended for a pesticide update and the product will show in "Needs Your Attention" status in your WERCSmart account.

Here is a full walkthrough of updating the expiration dates on a pesticide product:

  • Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step. 

  • You may select the "Scroll" option to read through the attachment in a different way. 

  • Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.