Expedited Assessment Requests

Do you need your product assessed as soon as possible?

In the Assessment process, our Regulatory Review Team members review the data and documentation you've provided in the registration, and derive results based on the retailer's specific need and requirements. The Assessment process takes two (2) business days. Please allow enough time for your registration submission and Authoring Request when meeting a retailer's on-boarding deadline.

  •  Authoring Requests (requesting a Safety Data Sheet be drafted for your registration) are also completed during this same timeframe during the Assessment process.

How to request an expedited assessment:

To request an expedited assessment contact the WERCSmart Customer Support team via phone call, chat or by submitting a ticket. Within your request, please provide the WERCSmart ID number for the product and explicitly state that you would like to request an expedite for the assessment of your product.

Special note:

Requests to expedite an assessment will be considered on a case-by-case basis and there is no guarantee that the assessment will process any quicker.