Canadian Retail Registrations

Pest Control or Drug Identification Numbers

The Pest Control Number (PCN) or Drug Identification Number (DIN) collected in some WERCSmart registrations will allow for additional PCN or DIN numbers beyond the current single record. If the product has multiple numbers available, you will elect to "add" an additional row to the data collection area to provide additional identifiers.

Ontario Pesticide/Drug Information Expanded

As a drop-down selection for Ontario you may now select "Class D: Banned - Cosmetic Pesticide" for the registration.

Known Issues Fixed

The following issues will be resolved with this update:

  • Performance improvements specific to the loading of the Summary View for a registration

  • Data Tier Consent notifications will display the Retail Partner that needs attention, minimizing searching through the various retailers to find out which retailer has implemented, or updated, their chemical programs.  The retailer(s) will be displayed at the top portion of the Retail Partner area of the website.

  • Forwarding a product registration that is a Private Label (or Brand) for some retailers was not capturing the retailer's requirement for an authored Safety Data Sheet. This is now fixed and you will be prompted to if the retailer on the registration is either Sears/K-Mart or Walmart.