WERCSmart product type selection

The Product Type (also called Recommended Use) that you select for your product will determine the questions that are asked about your product during the registration process.

Selection of an accurate product type is imperative to a successful WERCSmart registration as this dictates the direction of what data you need to provide to your retailers. 

To decide what product type matches your product best, please take the following steps: 

  • Look over your Safety Data Sheet for your product, many SDS' include a recommended use portion in Section 1 which you can use as your product type. 

  • Within your product registration, select the box to the right of the "Type of Product" label and begin typing in words that are accurate to your product and how it is used. 

    • If you type in your recommended use from your SDS and do not see any matching options in WERCSmart, type in parts of your product type to look over the different available options. 

    • If you do not have an SDS or a recommended use on your SDS, type in some terms that are relevant to your product specifically. We advise starting with a more vague term to see what options are available in WERCSmart to select that could be accurate to your product.

  • For example, if your product is mainly used for cleaning, you can type "Clean" in the box and select an option that matches your product best: 

If you have attempted the steps above, but are still unable to find an accurate product type, please use the following steps:

  • Attached to this article is a document which outlines the registration product types for WERCSmart. This list of product types is evolving and changing on a regular basis, so be sure to try the WERCSmart registration first to see if your product type has been added!

    • We have also provided some general information as to what type of information is collected on the various product types as well as what type of subscription the product type applies to. The list is alphabetical by product type description.  

  • You may also contact Customer Support via chat, phone call or by submitting a support ticket to have a product type suggested for you to use. 


>I need to change my product type/recommended use.