Your Retail Partner has contacted you to participate in the WERCSmart Program; now what?

How to create a WERCSmart account

Create a UL Solutions AccountA screenshot of a login form 
Description automatically generated 

Setting up an account is simple! 

  • Visit and click 'Create One.' 
  • Sign up for a UL Solutions account. 
  • Complete email verification code entry. 
  • Create your password.
  • Enter account details (see more information below).

What is a UL Solutions Account? 

With the launch of ULTRUS, many of our UL Solutions software products now enable our users to access their accounts with a single username and password. 

What if I already have a UL Solutions Account?

If you already have a UL Solutions account using the same email address as your WERCSmart account, use the UL Solutions password.

What if I already have a WERCSmart account?

If you have an existing WERCSmart account, your account information will remain the same. 

  • If your old password does not match our new security standards, you may be prompted to create a new one.

Account Details 

To complete the account setup, you will need to enter the following information:

Company Information 

  • Include information such as titles and roles within the organization.

Contact Information 

  • Phone numbers and addresses are helpful should you need to be contacted for any reason.

Account Type

  • Manufacturer: Typically creates the finished product to be sold to the consumer.
  • Distributor: The company that may sell the manufacturer's product to the consumer but does not manufacture the finished goods themselves.    
  • Formulators: Providers of specific elements of the finished product, such as fragrance or flavor providers. The formulator registration is typically inserted in the finished product's ingredients. 

Managing Users and Roles

For more information about managing users and roles, please see How do I add/remove a user or administrator?