How do I Discontinue or Obsolete a product?
Modified on: Wed, 22 Nov, 2023 at 12:25 PM
Discontinuing product registrations and making products Obsolete within your WERCSmart account.
If your company has certain products that you no longer sell to retailers and you will not need the product to be registered on your account, you may either Discontinue the product or make the product Obsolete.
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In order to delete your product, depending on the product's most recent revision date, you have the option to either Discontinue the product, or make the product Obsolete:
If your product registration has been revised within the last 12 months, you will need to "Discontinue" the product in WERCSmart to delete the product in the future once the 12 month time frame of inactivity has elapsed.
Discontinuing your product will place the product in a holding pattern while the product is waiting to be made obsolete after 12 months of inactivity has occurred.
Products that are discontinued will still count toward your subscription until they can be made obsolete.
If your product has had no activity for the last 12 months and is no longer sold to your retailer, you have the option to make the product Obsolete.
Making a product Obsolete, will delete the data of the product entirely and remove the product from counting towards your subscription.
Once a product has been made Obsolete, the data cannot be brought back and would need to be re-registered as a new product to add the product back into the system.
Special Note - Walmart Suppliers
Suppliers that register products with Walmart/Sam's Club and their subsidiaries, the retailer requires that the registration exists in WERCSmart for at least three years after the last date of shipment before it can be made obsolete from the account. Click the link here to view the retailer's policy on their website.
Scenario 1: Discontinuing products on your WERCSmart account.
Please use the following steps to discontinue your product:
Select the three dots to the right side of the product that you would like to discontinue.
Select the option listed as "Discontinue" from the dropdown list created by selecting the three dots below actions.
You may filter your products on your page to show only the discontinued products by selecting the grey box labeled as "More Filters" and selecting the box to the left of the "Show Only Discontinued Products" option.
After making this selection, your product will remain in a holding pattern while it is discontinued and once the product has had 12 months of inactivity, you can make the product obsolete.
You can remove the product from "Discontinued" status by selecting the "reactivate" option from the three dots to the right of your product below the actions label.
Scenario 2: Making products Obsolete on your WERCSmart account.
Please use the following steps to make a product obsolete:
Select the three dots to the right side of the product that you would like to make Obsolete.
Select the option listed as "Make Obsolete" from the dropdown list created by selecting the three dots below actions.
After selecting this option, your product and all of it's associated data will be deleted.
You can follow these steps to make several products obsolete by completing these steps for each product or you may also make several products obsolete by following the steps on the next section.
Please use the following steps to make several products obsolete:
Select the grey "Bulk Actions" button on the right side of your home page.
The system will show a pop-up that has four options, please select the "Delete Products" option on this pop-up.
You will now be brought to a separate page titled "Delete Active Products".
On this page, please select the check boxes for each product that you would like to delete.
Only products that are eligible to be made obsolete will show on this page.
After selecting the check boxes for each product you are attempting to delete, please select the "Make Obsolete" box listed at the bottom left side of the page.
You will now see a pop-up asking you to verify that you would like to delete the product(s) in it's/their entirety, please check the box indicating that you agree and then click "Accept".
Your product(s) will now be made obsolete from your account and the system.
Here is a full walkthrough of two of the scenarios listed above:
Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step.
Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.
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