Clearing product registrations from your WERCSmart shopping cart
Product registrations will go into your account shopping cart prior to being submitted for assessment.
How to know if your product is in the shopping cart:
The shopping cart icon on the left side of your screen will show the number of products that are in your cart.
If you see a zero present on the shopping cart icon, then no products are in your shopping cart currently.
If a certain product is in the shopping cart, you will see an option that says "In The Cart" when you select the three dots to the right of the product.
Products that are in the shopping cart cannot be edited prior to submitting unless they are removed from the shopping cart. This is why the option of "Edit" is not listed when you select the three dots for the product.
In order to clear products from your shopping cart, please use the following steps:
Please select the three dots to the right of the product that is in your shopping cart.
Click the option "In the Cart" from the dropdown list.
You will be brought to the Subscription enrollment area within the Account.
Select the "Proceed" option on the lower right side of the screen listed in green.
Select the "Checkout" option on the lower right corner of the pop-up.
You will now be brought to the "Payment Methods" screen.
If you do not have a payment method entered already, you may select the "Wire Transfer" option for now and make that payment method "Default"
If you have a payment method to enter you may add this now by selecting one of the payment methods under the "Add a New Payment Method" title listed at the bottom of the page.
If you have a payment method already added and marked "Default", you may continue to the next step.
Please select "Continue" and you will be brought to the "Purchase Summary" screen.
Please do not select the "Confirm Order" option on this page or the product will be submitted automatically.
On this page, please navigate to the "Item Description" section shown below the "Product Billing" title.
Please select the "Remove" option listed in blue to the right of your product(s).
If you have multiple items listed, you may remove any applicable Registrations at this time by using the "Remove" option next to each Registration listed.
You will be prompted to verify if you want to remove the registration from the Shopping Cart.
Select either "Remove" or "Cancel". "Cancel" will leave the Registration in the cart, waiting for subscription enrollment to be finalized.
After selecting "Remove" you will be immediately brought back to the Home Page view. The shopping cart icon that previously had one or more items showing as contained should now show zero.
Now that your shopping cart has been cleared, if you select the three dots to the right of your product, there will now be an option to "Edit" rather than the "In the Cart" option that was listed before.
Here is a full walkthrough of the shopping cart clearing process:
Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step.
You may select the "Scroll" option to read through the attachment in a different way.
Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.