How do I update my company name and address on my Authored SDS?
Modified on: Thu, 26 Dec, 2024 at 12:16 PM
Updating company name and address on an Authored SDS
When you request a Safety Data Sheet be authored for your product registration, you will receive an SDS that you have the ability to edit after the document is authored.
When you originally make your request to have an SDS authored, the company name and address will be based on what information you have currently set in your WERCSmart account.
Therefore, in order to change the company name and address that is applied to your Safety Data Sheets, you will need to update this information within your My Account area by taking the steps below:
Please select your name in the top right corner of the WERCSmart home page and select the "My Account" option.
Navigate to the right side of the screen and select the "Company Information" label listed in blue.
On the "Company Information" page, you may now select the "Edit" option listed in the top right corner of the box showing your current company name and address.
You may now make any desired changes to your company information by filling out the boxes.
You are able to edit your company name, company address, supplier type and the primary administrator of the account within this section.
The boxes labeled "Contact" and "Contact Email" are where you can edit the Primary Administrator contact information.
After you have made your updates, please select the green "Save" option in the top right corner of this section to save the entries you have made.
The company name and address entered into your account will now be applied to your SDS' that are authored moving forward.
If your SDS was already authored and you would now like to update the company name and address, please follow the steps below to access and edit your SDS:
On your home page, select the bulk actions button on the right side of your screen just above the Actions label.
Select "Accept Documents" from the pop-up bulk options box.
On the left side of the page, you can select the WERCSmart ID of your product that had an SDS authored.
You may now select "Approve SDS" or "Edit SDS" from the options listed to the right.
Select "Approve SDS" if the SDS is not in need of any updates.
Select "Edit SDS" to open and edit the .rtf file. Once you have made all of your edits to this file, you can open your registration and upload this updated SDS into your product.
Here is a full walkthrough of accessing your authored SDS and opening the SDS to make additional updates:
Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step.
You may select the "Scroll" option to read through the attachment in a different way.
Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.
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