How do I update my company name and address?
Modified on: Thu, 26 Dec, 2024 at 12:16 PM
Updating your company name and address for your WERCSmart account
The company information must be updated within your account to accurately reflect the current details of your company.
Please use the following steps in order to access and edit the details of your company information:
Please select your name in the top right corner of the WERCSmart home page and select the "My Account" option.
Navigate to the right side of the screen and select the "Company Information" label listed in blue.
On the "Company Information" page, you may now select the "Edit" option listed in the top right corner of the box showing your current company name and address.
You may now make any desired changes to your company information by filling out the boxes.
You are able to edit your company name, company address, supplier type and the primary administrator of the account within this section.
The boxes labeled "Contact" and "Contact Email" are where you can edit the Primary Administrator contact information.
After you have made your updates, please select the green "Save" option in the top right corner of this section to save the entries you have made.
Please follow the steps below to edit your "Canada Supplier Address":
Please select your name in the top right corner of the WERCSmart home page and select the "My Account" option.
Navigate to the right side of the screen and select the "Company Information" label listed in blue.
On the "Company Information" page, you may now select the "Edit" option listed in the top right corner of the box titled "Canada Supplier Address".
You may now make any desired changes to your Canada Supplier Address by filling out the boxes.
After you have made your updates, please select the green "Save" option in the top right corner of this section to save the entries you have made.
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