How do I copy a product from an existing product registration?
Modified on: Thu, 26 Dec, 2024 at 5:16 PM
Registering a product by copying from an existing product
You may copy information from an existing product registration into a new product within your WERCSmart account.
In order to copy information from an existing registration while registering a new product, please follow the steps below:
Select the beaker icon from the left side of your home page to start a new registration.
You will now be brought to a page titled "New Product" where you can begin your new product registration.
Select the bubble to the left of the option titled "Copy from an Existing Registration".
Type in your WERCSmart Product ID(WPS ID) of an existing completed product.
You may also search by the product name.
Once you have typed your WPS ID or product name, you will see an option populate below the box where you can select the product.
After selecting this product, please click the green "Continue" box to continue through the registration.
You will now be brought through each stage of the product registration where you can fill in and update the registration to represent your new product.
The remainder of the registration will need to be completed.
After completing your registration, the product will be submitted for assessment.
Here is a full walkthrough to copy a product from an existing product registration:
Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step.
You may select the "Scroll" option to read through the attachment in a different way.
Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.
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