What reports are available to me?
Modified on: Thu, 26 Dec, 2024 at 5:16 PM
Reports available for download within your WERCSmart account
Click on one of the links below to navigate to that location within the article.
Please use the following steps to access the "My Reports" page and download your desired report:
Select the "My Reports" (paper with a folded corner) icon from the left side of your WERCSmart home page.
On this page, you will see multiple reports that are available to be downloaded listed on the left side.
Once you have chosen a report you would like to download, please click the title of the report.
You will see the right side of the screen populate for your selected report.
Navigate to the right side of the page and fill out the required boxes for your report as well as select the type of file you would like to download (Excel or CSV).
You may also check the box to the left of "Zip Report?" to download the file in a zipped format which will compress the file to a smaller size.
Select the green "Request Report" option to begin the download of the report.
You will now see a pop-up box titled "Report Download" indicating that the report is downloading.
The file should download to your browser shortly after requesting the report and you will be able to select "Close" once you see that the report has downloaded.
Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of this process:
Please select the arrows in the bottom right corner of the attachment below to proceed through each step.
You may select the "Scroll" option to read through the attachment in a different way.
Please select the "Open Larger" option to see this walkthrough in a separate tab.
Some organizations may want to request a report/query that is not available within the list of available WERCSmart reports.
If your company is in need of a report/query that is not present in the "My Reports" section, please follow the steps below:
Download and fill out the "WERCSmart Query Request Form" that is attached to this article.
Within this document, please be sure to include all of the details for the query that you are requesting.
Once you have finished the "Query Request Form" please contact WERCSmart Customer Support via phone call, live chat or by submitting a support ticket and include the file as an attachment.
When reaching out, please provide the full details of your request to the Customer Support team along with the file attachment.
If your Query Request is not approved, the Customer Support team will provide you with the reasoning within your ticket.
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