Billing information updates in WERCSmart
You may edit your billing contact and other billing information within your WERCSmart account.
In order to manage your current account billing information, please take the following steps:
Select the name in the top right corner of the WERCSmart home page.
Click the "My Account" option.
Navigate to the right side of the "My Account" page and select "Payment Methods".
Please note that only Administrators of the account have access to the "Payment Methods" page.
On the "Payment Methods" page, please select the "Change" option in blue on the right side of the screen.
After selecting "Change", the Edit Address dialog box will appear, where you may edit the billing contact information as well as your billing address.
Click "Save" to finalize the updates you have made.
All Invoices and Payment Receipts are provided via email to the Billing Contact on file in the WERCSmart account.
Special note:
Make sure that you keep the billing information of your account up to date to ensure that the proper billing contact is notified for all invoices. The Accounting team and Customer Support team are unable to update this specific information for your account. This must be maintained within the My Account settings.