WERCSmart product status.


Click on one of the scenarios below to navigate to that location within the article.


On your Home Page, you are able to view the current status of all of your products using a color-coded coded system. 

Here is a screenshot of the status codes and their associated colors:

  • The red box shows each code along with it's associated color. 

  • The red arrow shows the border around your retailer abbreviation(s) that will appear in different colors depending on your product's current status. 

  • The blue arrow shows the row of status levels that you can select to filter by a designated product status.(For example, click on the "Needs Your Attention" option to view only products that currently are in that status). 

The Monitor Progress function will send you notifications as your product proceeds through the registration process: 

Selecting "Monitor Progress" on your product will make WERCSmart send you email notifications for each step of the registration process after you submit your product for assessment. 

  • In order to set up a product for monitored progress, please select the three dots below actions to the right of your product on the home page. 

  • Select the "Monitor Progress" option from the dropdown list. 

  • You will now see a pop-up where you can select which retailer(s) you would like to monitor in relation to your product. 

  • Select the retailer(s) you would like to monitor and then select "OK". You will now see a binoculars icon is present to the right of the WPS ID number on your home page indicating that monitoring is enabled for the product. 

  • You should now be all set to receive email notifications for any action that takes place on this product as it proceeds through the registration process. 

  • Monitoring can be stopped at any time by selecting the three dots below actions again and selecting the "Disable Monitoring" option. 

What does each status mean?

Not Yet Submitted (Black)

You've started creating a registration in your WERCSmart account and are still working on it. You have named the registration to coincide with the product's labeling or documentation and have made the Product Name specific enough so that people know what it is, but you have not gotten too detailed with "counts" or "packs". As long as the data you enter applies to several UPCs, that's one WERCSmart registration. This status indicates that the product has not yet been submitted to the Assessments team and therefore is not counted for your subscription until you submit the product for review. 

Assessment in Progress (Yellow)

You've entered all of the required information in the registration and you've sent the registration data to WERCSmart's Regulatory Assessment Team. They are looking over the data, running calculations, and ensuring any documents you've provided, such as a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is compliant with the regulations (i.e. OSHA). This Assessment process takes about two business days.

Needs Your Attention (Red)

During the assessment process, a discrepancy may be noted with the data provided, or the data

provided isn't providing the expected output when calculations are applied.  There's a question, or     issue, that needs your attention. Many times, these issues can be addressed with a simple update     to the data, such as flash point. If a product is in this status, you likely have a corresponding alert,     or Message, which outlines the issue or question and also provides some guidance on how to fix it.     You can edit the data, and resubmit it to the Assessment team by selecting "Update Required" from the dropdown list shown by clicking the three dots shown to the right of your product under the "Actions" title. 

Sending to Retailers (Blue)

The assessment data is finalized by the Regulatory Assessment Team and the assessment report that is used by the retailers is all set! The retailer's data transfer (also called a data feed) occurs at varying times throughout the day and is based on the Retailer's requirement. The majority of retailers receive a data transfer of WERCSmart Assessments once per day, typically in the evening hours, so their internal systems are updated overnight (U.S.). Exceptions to the daily data transfer are:

  • Walmart and Affiliates

  • Sears Corporation / K-Mart

  • The Home Depot

  • Kroger

These retailers have an hourly data transfer.

As a general rule, please allow 24 hours for your product date to be sent to your retailer's data feed. 

Accepted by Retailers (Green)

It's done!  Assessments, generated from your product registration data, have been received by the recipient / retailer!  Once your registration indicator shows green, you're "good to go" and you may do other things with the registration, such as add more UPCs, send the same registration to additional retailers (known as Forwarding), and more!  You can also update the data, in the future, and resubmit it for a revised assessment.

Special note: 

Occasionally, the WERCSmart team re-sends assessment data to the recipients, to ensure the most current information has been provided. Also, there are times the recipients (or retailers) request that an assessment be resent to them. It's just cycling through again, ensuring the data is always at its most accurate!

There are several terms that are synonymous with the product status options shown above. You may see these terms when speaking with a Customer Support Agent or when downloading a report in WERCSmart. 

Please see the quick reference listing below for these synonyms: 

  • New: Product has not been submitted for review yet. A product in "New" status would show the status of "Not Yet Submitted" (Black) on your home page. 

  • Assigned: Product is going through review with our Regulatory Review Team. A product that is in "Assigned" status would show on your home screen as "Assessment in Progress" (Yellow).

  • Accepted: Product has completed review and is queuing to feed to the Retailer(s). A product in "Accepted" status would show on your home screen as "Sending to Retailers" (Blue). 

  • Release for Distribution: Product has been pulled into the feed sequence and is actively feeding to the Retailer(s). A product in "Release for Distribution" status would show on your home screen as "Sending to Retailers" (Blue).

  • Completed: Product has successfully fed to the Retailer(s). A product in "Completed" status would show on your home screen as "Accepted by Retailers" (Green).

  • Suspended: Product was submitted for review and now requires a Data Update of some sort to resolve the suspension. A product in "Suspended" status would show on your home screen as "Needs Your Attention" (Red).